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Deuel County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska Inmate Search

Deuel County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska Inmate Search

The Deuel County Sheriff's Office is located at 718 3RD STREET and operates the main jail facility in Deuel County, Nebraska. This facility is a county jail that houses inmates from various regions, including neighboring counties and notable cities within Deuel County. Currently, the jail has a maximum capacity of 552 inmates, and there are 459 inmates incarcerated at this time.

How Do I Find Out If Someone Is In Deuel County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska?

To find out if someone is in the Deuel County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska, you can access the jail records. These records provide information about the inmates currently held in the facility. You can visit the official website of the Deuel County Sheriff's Office at https://co.deuel.ne.us/webpages/sheriff/sheriff.html for more information. Additionally, you can contact the Deuel County Sheriff's Office directly at (308) 874-3305 to inquire about an individual's incarceration status.

How many inmates are in Deuel County Sheriff's Office

Currently, there are 459 inmates in the Deuel County Sheriff's Office.

About the Deuel County Sheriff's Office

The Deuel County Sheriff's Office is responsible for the incarceration and management of inmates in Deuel County, Nebraska. The main jail facility has a maximum capacity of 552 inmates. At present, there are 459 inmates in the Deuel County Sheriff's Office, which accounts for Infinity% of the overall inmate population in Deuel County. The jail operates at an average capacity of 552Average inmates. Currently, the facility is incarcerating 83.15% of its maximum capacity.

Inmate Visitation in Deuel County Sheriff's Office

To visit an inmate at the Deuel County Sheriff's Office, certain requirements must be met. Visitors must follow the established rules and regulations set by the facility. If you wish to visit an inmate, it is advisable to conduct a prisoner search beforehand to ensure that the inmate is currently housed at the Deuel County Sheriff's Office. Visitors are required to follow specific guidelines, such as dress codes, identification requirements, and visiting hours. For more information on inmate visitation, please visit https://co.deuel.ne.us/webpages/sheriff/sheriff.html.

How to Send Money to An Inmate in Deuel County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska

There are two ways to send money to an inmate at the Deuel County Sheriff's Office. First, you can send money online by following the instructions provided on the official website at https://co.deuel.ne.us/webpages/sheriff/sheriff.html. Second, you can send money by mail to the following address:

Deuel County Sheriff's Office 718 3RD STREET 69129

What is the official website of Deuel County Sheriff's Office in Nebraska?

The official website of the Deuel County Sheriff's Office in Nebraska is https://co.deuel.ne.us/webpages/sheriff/sheriff.html.

What is the phone number of Deuel County Sheriff's Office in Nebraska?

The phone number of the Deuel County Sheriff's Office in Nebraska is (308) 874-3305.


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